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We like to celebrate the good in our society so when we see someone going above and beyond to overcome their challenges and change them into self-creation and acceptance, we like to celebrate it!
THE SMILER OF is selected regularly; a person who is a great role model - a Powerful Creator. Someone who changes difficulties into gifts for themselves and others.
A true
SMILER is everyone’s friend, always sees the best in people, and genuinely wants to make a difference in any given situation.


This award was also created to improve and change the world. 10% of the proceeds go to organisations and communities that uphold love and caring around the world.


Guðrún Sigríður Ágústsdóttir

Guðrún Sigríður Ágústsdóttir

Sirrý founded Lífskraftur, after overcoming cancer herself, twice. Behind Lífskraftur is a tight group of powerful women who call themselves Snjódrífur. These women use the power from nature to practice mindfulness and gain strength, through empowering outdoor activities. With mountain climbing, they´ve managed to collect millions to support Lífskraftur. Thank you Sirrý, for being a great role model, by transforming a difficult experience into a gift for you and others.

Björgvin Páll Gústavsson

Björgvin Páll Gústavsson

During childhood Björgvin suffered from anxiety and distress, where he stayed at a mental hospital for a while. In his book "Án filters" Björgvin writes about his experience in a raw and honest way. Being known as the goalkeeper of the Icelandic national handball team, obviously reflects his courage to be able to open up this way. Because of Björgvin´s enormous passion for young peoples wellness, he teaches them methods to practice to help themselves and feel better.

Sigurþóra Bergsdóttir

Sigurþóra Bergsdóttir

Sigurþóra founded Bergið headspace in memory of her son who committed suicide at the age of 19. Bergið is a place where young people can get support, care and love, according to their own wishes. Thank you Sigurþóra for your love and power, for changing your pain into a great gift for young people.

Alda Karen Hjaltalín

Alda Karen Hjaltalín

Alda was only 20 when she discovered her dream as a sales and marketing director of a big production company didn’t make her happy. She felt depressed and saw that happiness was not measured in material things. “I am enough” is the wisdom that turned on her Powerful Creator again and she's now a successful lecturer. With her smile, courage and love she shares her tools with generosity. "The more you give the more life gives you back" she says.

Andri Fannar

Andri Fannar

Congratulation Andri Fannar Kristjánsson SMILER of December 2017! Thank you for teaching us how to be Creators and not pitying ourselves when life is challenging. You didn’t stop smiling though you were diagnosed with your bone cancer, and that your knee and a large part of your leg-bone were removed. You comfort your family, when they are surprised and ask why you’re never angry – even though you got it twice, and also in your lungs. “Why not me? It wouldn’t be better if somebody else got it."

Svandís Birkisdóttir

Svandís Birkisdóttir

CONGRATULATIONS Svandís Birkisdóttir SMILER April 2017! To be able to forgive completely her grandfather for abusing her sexually (from age 3 – 12) and her father for beating her and make her starve is admirable. Svandís has forgiven it all and her heart is full of love. Svandís was also seriously injured in a car accident and was told by doctors she would not be able to walk again but now she lives her healthy life to the fullest!

Ólöf S. Valdimarsdóttir

Ólöf S. Valdimarsdóttir

Ólöf S. Valdimarsdóttir is an oil-painter, she grows exquisite flowers as an expert elf; she regularly takes the bus to Stykkishólmur where her dream-house is being built and she basically does EVERYTHING everyone else does - except drive a car! She says she would, only she was not legally blind - and if anyone makes a note of it, she points out the irrelevance. Thank you Ólöf, for reminding us, that attitude is everything!

Kristján Ketilsson

Kristján Ketilsson

Congratulation to Kristján Ketilsson SMILER of September 2015. Kristján had a car accident when he was only 17 years old. Since then he has been paralysed and can only move his eyes. He can not speak but is blessed with great humour and love and shares joy with his warm smile more often than many healthy people do. What a role model!

Einar Magnússon

Einar Magnússon

Einar was diagnosed with cancer eight years ago and while he is waiting for a bone marrow transplant he gratefully receives regular blood transfusions. Because of his positivity and good mood he was asked to give "pep talks" to all new male members in The Light (an organisation for people diagnosed with cancer). Thank you for bringing us smiles and hope!

Lovísa Vattnes

Lovísa Vattnes

11 years old Lovísa was diagnosed with diabetes which later destroyed her kidneys and caused blindness. When pregnant of twins she gained 150kg as a result of medicine treatment. Her leg broke badly (just by stepping out of a car) and doctors thought it necessary to amputate. She decided to get well again. Today she is standing on her both feet, cured of diabetes with a new liver, pancreas and pupils! A joyful master of re-creation!

Héðinn Unnsteinsson

Héðinn Unnsteinsson

Congratulation to Héðinn Unnsteinsson SMILER of June 2015! Héðinn has worked within mental health, prompted by his own user experience. He was technical officer for the mental health program of the World Health Organization for few years. His book “Vertu Úlfur – wargus esto” describes the power of forgiveness as well as questioning the alleged over-diagnosis of mental problems in today's medical system.

Dýrfinna Benita

Dýrfinna Benita

Congratulations to Dýrfinna Benita SMILER May 2015! Dýrfinna decided to change her life from being a silent victim to being a Powerful Creator. She has a painful experience of severe sexual violence and then received negative treatment from the police when she finally sued the last rapist. She battled with severe depression and hopelessness and sought help in a mental hospital. Her greatest salvation was when she decided to love herself and share her experience with the world.

Hulda Fríða Berndsen

Hulda Fríða Berndsen

Congratulation to Hulda Fríða Berndsen SMILER of April 2015! Thanks to heroes like Hulda Fríða for bringing the scum into the light! You need a lot of love and courage to step out of a religious society - knowing you will be cast out by the ones you love. Hulda Fríða told her story in the media about mental violence, isolation and cruelness in Jehovas Witness. She was, among other things, not allowed to talk to her own daughter who had come out as lesbian.

Vilborg Davíðsdóttir

Vilborg Davíðsdóttir

Congratulation to Vilborg Davíðsdóttir SMILER of March 2015! Vilborg has in her creative and powerful way turned difficulties into gifts for others. She has shown us how love, honesty and gratefulness is such a healing force. Her writings about her journey with her husband after he was diagnosed with cancer – until he left this life, are unique and beautiful. Her book; “Love, the Dragon and the Death”, is whole-hearted support for people who are dealing with loss, using love as the light.

Brandur Bjarnason

Brandur Bjarnason

Brandur is paralysed from neck down. It started when he was 22 years, likely caused by Lime disease. Brandur is a Powerful Creator and among things he’s doing is devolope greenhouses made of plastic with bubbles of soap as isolation, paint - steering the pencil with his mouth and travel around Iceland to point out the lack of accessibility for people in wheelchairs. He is also well known for his positivity and warm smile.

Kolbrún Vökudóttir

Kolbrún Vökudóttir

Kolbrún is a Powerful Creator and creates great life with her courage, joy and love. She was sexually abused as a child, and because she is deaf she didn't get the right treatment when she was, as a teenager, in a mental hospital. The staff could simply not understand and communicate with her. To be grateful for her experience, and follow her dream about becoming an actress and a singer, makes her a great role model.

Students of Grundaskóli

Students of Grundaskóli

"We don't need anything - because we have everything!" Instead of giving each other Christmas presents, students in Grundarskóli school made things to sell and send the money to school in Malavi!

Silja Björk Björnsdóttir

Silja Björk Björnsdóttir

Congratulation to Silja Björk Björnsdóttir SMILER of November 2014! Silja stepped forward and in her great lecture at Tedx she tells us how mental suffering made her try suicide. With Courage, Love and Joy she is now helping young people to rise up and love life. . . and remind us that nobody should be alone!

Vignir Arnarson

Vignir Arnarson

Congratulations to Vignir Arnarson SMILER of October 2014! Vignir had a bad shoot from a riffle in his foot on hunting. Huge bleeding and bad wounds could easily kill him - but his joyfulness and gratefulness saved him - he says! He can easily walk on his both feet today.

Snær Sigurðsson

Snær Sigurðsson

Congratulation to Viktor Snær Sigurðsson SMILER of September 2014! Viktor Snær has undefined painful infection in both legs... and he shows more patience than most grown up people. He takes care of his duty and jobs without complaining. He teach (without knowing) the rest of us how to stay positive and loving.

Bjarnheiður Hannesdóttir

Bjarnheiður Hannesdóttir

Congratulation to Bjarnheiður Hannesdóttir SMILER of August 2014! Heiða participated in beauty contests. She was diagnosed with anorexia which caused her a heart attack and brain damages. Her body is now paralyzed, she lost most of her eyesight and has difficulties with talking. Heiða is a powerful CREATOR – with a smile she uses her experience to point out; "Don’t believe people who tell you your body is not perfect."

Edda Heiðrún Backman

Edda Heiðrún Backman

Congratulation to Edda Heiðrún Backman SMILER of Mai 2014! Edda is a powerful and creating artist. She was diagnosed with MND, but that didn´t stop her from being a director in theatre, starting a business and now she makes fantastic paintings... steering the pencil with her mouth!

Kristín Hrefna Halldórsdóttir

Kristín Hrefna Halldórsdóttir

Congratulation to Kristín Hrefna Halldórsdóttir SMILER of April 2014! Kristín has epilepsy which has given her bad cramps for years. She is following her dreams - studying in University and being the best version of her self in all ways.

Brynjar Karl

Brynjar Karl

Congratulations to Brynjar Karl SMILER of March 2014! Brynjar Karl was only 11 years old when he decided to follow his big dream and build the ship Titanic, from 56.000 Lego bricks! He never gave up and finished the job with style. Even though Brynjar has autism it‘s very clear he‘s the captain of his own ship!

Selma Björk

Selma Björk

Congratulation to Selma Björk SMILER of September 2013! Selma Björk was bullied as a kid and with courage and love she decided to forgive all the kids that did that. She told the story of her experience in the media and by doing so she pointed out how important it is to be kind to each other.

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