"If you smile five times a day for NO REASON,
you can change your life in ninety days!"
- Thích Nhất Hạnh

Elín, arcitecht
Gegga is a unique mentor. Her methods have a deep affect that reaches far beyond the workshop itself. I enthusiastically recommend this course for those who are ready to delve deep inside and look at what is causing anxiety and/or suffering.

Jódís, teacher
The most impactful element was opening the heart and looking at my feelings. The methodology Gegga teaches is very useful and quite simply, which mean it will be easy to apply in any situation.

Thelma, actress
The "The Work" method that Gegga uses is fundamentally so simple but such an effective way to get to the root of the problem. Gegga also has such a beautiful presence and creates an effortlessly safe and nurturing environment where it's easy to give in and open up.
Find Your Freedom
Personal Consultation
Are you struggling with anxiety, uncertainty and a disconnection from what you really want out of life?
Whatever it is you're struggling with, Gegga is here for you.
With her decades of experience working in healthcare and a combination of Byron Katie's "The Work", NLP coaching, Parts Work, NADA accupuncture, art therapy and more, Gegga offers a tailor made process for you to find your freedom.
Attendees: One-on-one
Length: 90 minutes
You can book one-off sessions or an ongoing therapy (10 sessions recommended).

Join The Joy
Join A Workshop
Get ready to open your mind up to new truths and to change old thought patterns. Come join a group of people on the same journey for a powerful and soul searching workshop where stressful thoughts and beliefs are transformed into useful lessons and precious gifts.
Taught in three, 7-hour sessions, the course is mostly based on Byron Katie's "The Work" method which helps us delve deep to find the root of our pain.
Along with your own spiritual metamorphosis, you'll make deep connections with likeminded people.
Join for more joy, love and peace in your life!
Attendees: Max 8
Length: 7 hours in 3 sessions, most often over a weekend

Bring out your SMILER
Book A Lecture
We are mind, body, and soul but the soul so often gets forgotten! Book Gegga to come to you and inspire your group with the SMILER ideology. In a one-hour motivating talk, Gegga will take you on a journey of self discovery and teach you how to make yourself happier than ever. Did you know the power to make your wildest dreams come true lies within you already? We can change our immediate environment and the world around us - only if we are ready to make the change!
A lecture with a slide show, and discussions of actionable ways how we can stop being victims and start being Creators!
Attendees: Unlimited (depends on space)
Length: 1 hour
Suited for all kinds of groups, e.g. workplaces, schools and organizations.

Heal Together
Workshop For Your Group
A combination of "Join The Joy" and "Bring out your SMILER" - Heal Together is a personalised experience for your group. Everything from a spiritual afternoon to a week-long retreat in Icelandic nature, Gegga will find exactly what it is your team/group/class needs!
Attendees: Max. 20 people
Length: to be determined